About Us
The Adult Literacy and Learning Impact Network (ALL IN) was formed in 2022. Composed of national thought leaders from the adult literacy field and beyond, this collective impact initiative is charged with carrying out the National Action Plan for Adult Literacy.
ALL IN seeks to implement the five actions of the National Action Plan:
1. Engage adult learners as movement leaders
2. Raise awareness and advocate for change
3. Expand outcomes-based research
4. Support adult literacy instructors
5. Invest in innovation while scaling proven approaches
ALL IN’s efforts are driven by its vision: a country where every adult can easily access high-quality, effective support to improve their reading, writing, digital, and numeracy skills – regardless of who or where they are. Its formation represents the first time that the leading national organizations engaged in adult literacy have joined forces to uplift each other’s efforts and develop new initiatives that will push the field forward.
These efforts are guided by the ALL IN Coordinating Council. Click here to learn more about its members and their organizations.
Meet the Director of ALL IN:
Sarah Cacicio is the Director of Adult Literacy and Learning Impact Network (ALL IN), convened by the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy. Sarah has more than 10 years of experience working to advance social mobility for older youth and adult learners through equity-centered research, teacher education, adult education programming, and wraparound services. From assessment design to workforce development, much of Sarah’s work has focused on the impact of digital tools and technologies on adult learners. Sarah earned her M.A. in Bilingual & Bicultural Education from Teachers College, Columbia University and a B.A. in Spanish Language & Literature from the University of Massachusetts Boston as a first-generation college student.