ALL IN Community Update - February 2023
On February 21, the newly launched Adult Literacy and Learning Impact Network (ALL IN) hosted its first-ever Community Update Meeting to inform the broader adult literacy community about this new collective impact initiative, make the case for strategic investment in adult literacy across sectors, and outline ALL IN’s priorities for 2023.
ALL IN aims to think differently about how we define, measure, and support literacy skill development, not in terms of reading levels, but in terms of multiple literacies that yield multiple possibilities. For ALL IN to be successful, we also need multiple levels of engagement from partners in and outside of the adult learning ecosystem.
During this meeting, members of the Coordinating Council:
• Informed the broader adult literacy community about ALL IN and who is involved
• Provided key updates on the National Action Plan for Adult Literacy
• Made the case for strategic investment in adult literacy across sectors
• Outlined our 2023 priorities: 1) Awareness; 2) Data-Driven Research; 3) Literacy Access
• Invited ALL to join this collective impact effort to promote multiple literacies nationwide
Sarah Cacicio, the new Director of ALL IN, facilitated the event in collaboration with several members of the ALL IN Coordinating Council, including British A. Robinson of the Barbara Bush Foundation, Priyanka Sharma of World Education, Sharon Bonney of the Coalition on Adult Basic Education (COABE), Jeff Hutcheson of TESOL, Mark Vineis of ProLiteracy, and Felicia Cumings-Smith of National Center for Families Learning.
Additional members of the Coordinating Council were actively engaged in the development of the event, as well as the chat in real-time. These include: Don Finn from the Coalition on Adult Basic Education, Denine Torr of Dollar General Literacy Foundation, Federico Salas-Isnardi of Houston Mayor’s Office for Adult Literacy, Pat Tyler and Sharon Hart of National Association of State Directors of Adult Education, (COABE), Tony Petyon of National Center for Families Learning, Deborah Kennedy of National Coalition for Literacy, Steve Steurer of Cure National, Amber Kelleher of TESOL, and Marty Finsterbusch of VALUEUSA.
We are incredibly grateful for the energy and enthusiasm shared by the broader adult literacy community, including over 275 attendees! Your interest and participation affirmed the need to address issues of literacy access and attainment nationwide. Working together, we are more committed than ever to building a country where every adult can improve their literacy skills – regardless of who or where they are.
You can also reach out to us at: ALLIN@barbarabush.org or sign up to receive our newsletter by entering your information at the bottom of this webpage.
This event was made possible with support from the Dollar General Literacy Foundation. For 30 years, they have been committed to helping individuals of all ages pursue their educational goals and achieve their dreams by investing in literacy programs. We thank Dollar General for their ongoing leadership, generous support, and thought partnership in promoting adult literacy on a national scale.