ALL IN Research Small Grants Initiative - Awards Announcement

*Spring 2024 Announcement* On Monday, June 3 at 2:30pm ET, the five funded research teams of this initiative will present lightning talks describing their settings, learnings, and implications for future research, policy, and practice. Register at this link!


World Education is leading a community-engaged research initiative on behalf of the Adult Literacy and Learning Impact Network (ALL IN). This opportunity funds short-term research projects to unearth instructional and programmatic innovation, make visible teacher knowledge, and offer insights in line with broad goals of the National Action Plan for Adult Literacy related to access, quality, and/or uptake of adult learning opportunities. 

We are pleased to announce the awardees for the ALL IN Research Small Grants initiative have been selected. Meet the research teams: 


Midwest Refugee Coalition: Participatory Adult Literacy Program Development

Melissa Hauber-Ozer, Assistant Professor, University of Missouri
City of Refuge, Community Partner

This project aims to develop a customizable model for innovative, high-quality language and multiliteracies instruction tailored to the needs of refugee adults by developing culturally sensitive, community-embedded, asset-based, trauma-informed English language and literacy classes using free and low-cost materials.


Post-Pandemic Learning Modalities in Adult Education

Ashley Simpson-Baird, Founder, Merit Research, Policy, and Evaluation
Briya Public Charter School, Community Partner 

Briya Public Charter School, a two-generation school educating immigrant parents and their children, offers three modalities: in-person, hybrid, and virtual. This study aims to better understand how each differs with respect to student characteristics, student outcomes, access to wraparound supports, and staff and student experiences. 


Supports and Challenges of Collecting and Using Initial, Formative, and Summative Assessment Data in Programs Serving Adults with Low Literacy Skills

Alisa Belzer, Professor, Rutgers University
ProLiteracy’s community based organization network

This project aims to understand, from the perspective of practitioners, what the barriers are and what supports are needed to collect and use assessment data. This research also aims to understand the needs and challenges of programs and instructors when using digital tools for gathering and using assessment data to inform instruction.


E-BAES Return-on-Investment Pilot

Margaret Patterson, Senior Researcher, Research Allies for Lifelong Learning
Jungeun Lee, Assistant Teaching Professor, Penn State University
Open Door Collective’s network (Literacy Minnesota as fiscal agent)

This study aims to support the next phase of an in-progress pilot study intended to inform the design of a national ROI study. This study will demonstrate ways Adult and Family Education (AFE) adds major value and contributes to building high-quality foundational skills that adult learners need.


Barriers & Opportunities to Transitioning ABE Learners to Post-Secondary Education and Training in Boston

Sarah Soroui, Director of Research, Evaluation and Analytics
Brooke Machado, Senior Program Manager for Adult Education
Aaron Park, Data Analyst & Learning Specialist
City of Boston, Workforce Development and Adult Literacy Initiative

This study aims to explore models and strategies that promote Adult Basic Education (ABE) student transitions to post-secondary credential programs and better understand the barriers that affect ABE learners’ ability to enroll in and complete post-secondary education training programs.


It is our honor to recognize these research teams and their projects. 


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