New Community-Engaged Research in Adult Learning
From June 2023 through April 2024, World Education led a community-engaged research initiative on behalf of the Adult Literacy and Learning Impact Network (ALL IN). This opportunity funded five short-term research projects to unearth instructional and programmatic innovation, make visible teacher knowledge, and offer insights aligned to the National Action Plan for Adult Literacy’s goals of access, quality, and/or uptake of adult learning opportunities.
On Monday, June 3, five research teams presented in a final showcase, describing their settings, learnings, and implications for future research, policy, and practice in the adult learning ecosystem.
Click on the titles to read blog reports for each project:
Midwest Refugee Coalition: Participatory Adult Literacy Program Development
Melissa Hauber-Ozer, Assistant Professor, University of Missouri
City of Refuge, Community Partner
Post-Pandemic Learning Modalities in Adult Education
Ashley Simpson-Baird, Founder, Merit Research, Policy, and Evaluation
Briya Public Charter School, Community Partner
Alisa Belzer, Professor, Rutgers University
ProLiteracy’s community-based organization network
Evidence-Based Adult Education System (E-BAES) Return-on-Investment Pilot
Margaret Patterson, Senior Researcher, Research Allies for Lifelong Learning
Jungeun Lee, Assistant Teaching Professor, Penn State University
Open Door Collective’s network (Literacy Minnesota as fiscal agent)
Sarah Soroui, Director of Research, Evaluation and Analytics
Brooke Machado, Senior Program Manager for Adult Education
Aaron Park, Data Analyst & Learning Specialist
City of Boston, Workforce Development and Adult Literacy Initiative
It is our honor to recognize these research teams and their projects.