Dollar General Literacy Foundation and Ad Council Release Inspirational Video Series
By Sarah Cacicio
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, nearly 30 million adults in the United States have not completed their high school diploma. The Dollar General Literacy Foundation (DGLF) and the Ad Council have released a series of new public service advertisements (PSAs) to inspire adults to complete their high school diploma or equivalency, such as their GED or HiSET, for themselves and their communities. This marks the latest iteration of the longstanding ‘Finish Your Diploma‘ campaign that encourages potential adult learners to find free local classes at adult literacy centers near them using a ZIP Code search tool.
Earning a diploma is shown to significantly impact individual and collective well-being. Studies illustrate that recipients of a high school credential or equivalency earn an average of $10,000 more annually than those without high school equivalency credentials. In addition, adult learners report that participating in adult education creates opportunities for gaining literacy and workforce skills, building personal and professional connections, and developing a new self-vision (Patterson et al., 2024).
New research (forthcoming) by the Adult Literacy and Learning Impact Network (ALL IN) in partnership with FTI Consulting shows that adults with low literacy across generations regularly use technology to learn and seek program opportunities. Hearing from adults who successfully enrolled and completed programs remains one of the most impactful strategies to improve enrollment and retention in adult education.
See all videos here: https://www.adcouncil.org/campaign/high-school-equivalency
ALL IN is committed to promoting learner-centered marketing strategies and resources to maximize outreach, information-sharing, and enrollment. We are thrilled to collaborate with DGLF, which has generously sponsored the creation of the National Action Plan for Adult Literacy and ALL IN efforts to meet its ambitious goals to reduce low literacy and improve individual and collective well-being through increased access, quality, and uptake. We encourage you to share these videos on your personal and/or organization’s platform and get the word out! Access the full toolkit here: https://finishyourdiploma.adcouncilkit.org/